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Wake Me Up Smoothie

Updated: Sep 22, 2022

A zingy green smoothie to get you going on those mornings you'd really rather stay in bed. Works every time!


  • 1 1/2 cups of water

  • 1 apple

  • 1 cup spinach, kale or any other leafy green

  • 1 cup cucumber, chopped

  • 1/2 lime

  • Large handful of fresh mint leaves

  • 1/2 serving of Vanilla Complete Protein Powder

  • 1 Tbsp chia seeds

  • 1 tsp spirulina powder

  • 1 cup ice cubes


  1. Roughly chop all fruit and vegetables. Remove the seeds from the apples.

  2. Place all ingredients into a blender and blend on the highest speed for 1 - 2 minutes, until very smooth.

TAMARAS' TIP: Swap the apple for pear, kiwi or strawberries for a different flavour kick.

This recipe is featured in our Books.

A Word from Tamara Lee You can have the greatest, healthiest, most fulfilled life in the world and still have days where you really just don’t want to get out of bed. Maybe you’re tired because you’ve been up all night with a crying baby. Maybe you partied all night long and are now dog tired and hung over. Or maybe you went to bed early, had an excellent night sleep and for whatever reason, still wake up stuffed the next day. We’ve all been there. Some of us more than others, but nevertheless we all have crappy I’m-so-over-it days sometimes. On days like this, I force myself to do three things to get some energy happening. None of them are difficult so just hear me out. So here they are. My ‘Top 3 Tips for the Totally Stuffed’:

  • Have a large drink of lemon water, preferably cold. If you’re really stuffed, add spirulina and chlorella powder and heaps more lemon to hide the taste (it tastes FOUL but totally works).

  • Swallow a dose of Juice Plus capsules (with your lemon water).

  • Think of 3 things you’re grateful and focus on them for at least 3 minutes

  • This is my daily ritual and it works for me every time. I get up at 5.30am most day, so trust me, I need it.

Doing these four things will start you off with alkalinity, concentrated nutrients and a positive frame of mind.

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