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Blow Your Boundaries Break Through Package

Blow Your Boundaries Break Through Package

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Blow Your Boundaries
Break Through Coaching Package

When your unconscious mind is communicating in a way that’s keeping you stuck, fearful and overwhelmed, it’s time to reprogram – fast!

Spend up to 10 hours with Tamara Lee, Certified Nutritionist and Master Practitioner in NLP (Neuro Lingustic Programming), Hypnosis and Time Line Therapy, working to blow the boundaries on what is currently holding you back. 

When you remove the barriers that are limiting you, a whole new outcome can then manifest - easily.

If ever you’ve wondered why you lack confidence...

If your relationships seem to fail or feel unfulfilling...

If you feel stuck and can't find your way forward...

If it feels like everyone else "gets it", and you're the only one who isn't in on the secret...

If you're ready to let go of the limiting beliefs and negative emotions that have held you back...

And you need things to change NOW...

Then it's time to Blow Your Boundaries. 

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Change your limiting beliefs (for good)

I remember how I felt prior to doing this work, before experiencing a break through of my own. I was in the middle of navigating a divorce, learning how to be a single parent to 4 children and trying to figure out how to manage my own finances. I was hurting, deeply - but on the surface noone knew. I pushed these heavy emotions down and tried to pretend they were not there. 

I felt overwhelmed, anxious and stressed. That negative voice inside my head was on a loop, telling me I wasn't good enough, I deserved this, and life was just HARD.


Maybe you've experienced something similar.

“No-one values you… you're not doing enough for your kids… you don’t deserve to be successful… what's even the point… No-one understands you..." You get the picture.

This sort of negative chatter has been hardwired into your mind since childhood. It's different for everyone - we all have our own model of the world, based on the stories we tell ourselves that have been shaped by the values and ideals we learn from the people closest to us.


But whatever your story is… it can be changed.

You don't have to "just live with it." You don't have to continue allowing it trigger you, dampening your great ambitions. Too often we are triggered over and over, each time collecting more evidence for the label we feel we deserve: FAILURE.


I promise you, it doesn’t have to be that way.

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Let your   light shine

My Blow Your Boundaries Breakthrough Coaching Package is designed to change your inner voice and your inner story. You’ll receive up to 10 hours of NLP-style coaching, using Hypnosis to make sure the process is properly integrated. 

We do this by finding the root cause of the negative chatter, and removing it using Time Line Therapy® so it just isn’t there anymore. Your negative chatter will then be replaced with new beliefs, aligned to your personal goals. 

What is Time Line Therapy®?

Time Line Therapy® (TLT) is a therapeutic process that releases negative emotions attached to past events such as anger, fear, sadness, hurt and guilt. It also eliminates self-limiting beliefs that get in the way of people pursuing the life that they want.


By releasing negative emotions attached to past events helps to change a person's behaviour and perspective on life in the present. This is not to say you'll never experience anger or sadness again - you will! However, the difference is that you'll just be dealing with the emotions you are feeling in the present moment, without feeling paralysed by repressed emotions from your past.

What is NLP?

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a specific style of coaching that helps to change someone’s thoughts and behaviours from what they don't want to what they do want. NLP uses perceptual, behavioural and communication techniques to make it easier for people to make positive changes in their lives. 

If you’ve tried counselling and other talking therapies, this is very different. You’ll walk away with more than just understanding the problem – you’ll get a practical solution that will impact your life straight away.

My own results with this methodology have been profound. Free of anxiety, fear and limiting beliefs has cleared up so much more energy in my body. Digestion is better, my skin is clear and I wake up feeling vibrant and energetic every single day - the way I believe everyone should.

Great health is not only your right, it's your blueprint. Let's work together to restore it.

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