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Carrot Fettuccine

Updated: Sep 22, 2022

A hearty, tasty and versatile dish - have as your main meal or as a side salad, it's fabulous either way!


For the fettuccine:

  • 4 carrots, thoroughly washed

  • 1 cup fresh spinach

For the sauce:

  • 1/2 cup of cashews

  • 1/2 cup water

  • 4 ripe tomatoes, roughly chopped

  • 1/2 Tbsp cold pressed olive oil

  • 1 Tbsp lime juice

  • 1 tsp minced garlic

  • 1/3 cup fresh basil, finely chopped

  • Himalayan pink salt and pepper, to taste

  • 1 avocado, diced


  • 1 large avocado

  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes


  1. Use a vegetable peeler to make fettuccine style ribbons from the carrots. Transfer to large bowl.

  2. Cut the spinach into thin slices and add to the bowl.

  3. In a food processor or blender, blend the water and cashews together on a high speed until smooth and creamy.

  4. Add the remaining sauce ingredients (except for the avocado) and blend until very smooth and creamy.

  5. Pour the sauce mixture over the carrot and spinach and toss through until all of the carrot ribbons are well covered. Slice the avocado into bite-sized pieces and gently stir through.

A Word from Tamara Lee A few years ago, the thought of consuming a 100% raw meal was WEIRD. Where's the real food? My first thought. And second thought - where's the hot stuff? Now however, not only are most of my meals very raw but it's become such a natural part of the way I eat. And I feel so much better for it too. In the past, my dinners would have consisted of some sort of cooked vegetables, a carb such as mashed potatoes or rice, and some sort of animal protein like steak, chicken or quiche. Because that's what I'd been told from day one was nourishing and healthy. But let's just have a closer look at just how healthy this way of eating really is. Let's start with animal flesh. MEAT. The food we apparently all need for protein. Many of us eat meat several times a day, at almost every meal. But how much protein do we actually need? A good starting point would be to look at the protein content of breast milk. Since protein is needed for growth and muscle repair, one would think that breast milk must have a heap of it, since we all grow most rapidly in our few years of life. If there's one thing the population can agree on, it's that breast milk is the best food source for babies. So what exactly is the protein content of breast milk? 30%? 50%? Maybe even as high as 70%? Nope. It actually contains less than 2% protein (1). That's it. If a rapidly growing baby thrives on less than 2% protein, wouldn't it make common sense that adults could too? But that's not what's being peddled through mainstream nutrition. The Dieticians Association of Australia are recommending adults consume between 15 - 25% of food energy should come from from protein (2). 25 PERCENT! In my opinion this is protein poisoning and for a good reason. The China Study. Dubbed as "the most comprehensive study on nutrition ever conducted", it examines the relationship between the consumption of animal products (including dairy) and chronic illnesses such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Dr Campbell concludes that people who eat a whole-food, plant-based diet and reduce their consumption of animal products to under 10% of their total diet, will massively reduce their likelihood of developing these lifestyle diseases. ​ Dr T. Colin Campbell presented a compelling argument for the dangers of consuming animal protein in his life's work, Interesting enough, Westerners consume a third more protein than the Chinese do. Around 70% of the protein us Westerners consume comes from animals, while only 7% of Chinese's protein does. Those Chinese who eat the most protein, and especially the most animal protein, also have the highest rates of the ''diseases of affluence'' like heart disease, cancer and diabetes (3). So... If we dramatically reduce or eliminate our consumption of animal products, where do we get our protein? Considering our body needs a lot less than what's being peddled, eating a variety of plant foods will suffice. Have a look at the protein content of these common plant foods (4):

  • Almonds 15%

  • Banana 5%

  • Brown rice 8%

  • Broccoli33%

  • Buckwheat 15%

  • Kale 26%

  • Kidney beans 58%

  • Lentils34%

  • Lettuce36%

  • Mushrooms 56%

  • Peach 9%

  • Pumpkin seeds 18%

  • Strawberry 8%

  • Spinach 50%

  • Tomato 19%

  • Watercress84%

  • Zucchini30%

Dr. Campbell recommends that we only need 5-6% of our total calories to come from protein to replace the protein we routinely lose. Likewise Dr Douglas Graham substantiates this in his book The 80/10/10 Diet, stating that about 5% of calories from protein, especially when it is high quality and unadulterated by heat, is in fact adequate and healthful (5). We can get this easily by consuming a variety of plant food daily. If you're still skeptical, I urge you just to try it. My health improved dramatically when I decided to eliminate dairy and massively reduce my meat intake - I felt SO much more energetic, needed way less sleep and my allergies disappeared. Winning! So for the next 10 days, I encourage to try a plant based diet. Include as much fresh raw foods as you can and eliminate all animal products, at least for the 10 days. You can put them back in after that if you really want to. But just see how you feel after your body has had a chance to heal, to flush out toxins and reset on living foods. I guarantee that if you do this, you'll never want to go back! Share

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